No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 1111

Here the answer based on the comment from SubOptimal:

The error message actually says that one column type cannot be mapped to a database type by hibernate. In my case it was the java.util.UUID type I use as primary key in some of my entities. Just apply the annotation @Type(type="uuid-char") (for postgres @Type(type="pg-uuid"))

I got the same error because my query returned a UUID column. To fix that I returned the UUID column as varchar type through the query like "cast(columnName as varchar)", then it worked.


public interface StudRepository extends JpaRepository<Mark, UUID> {

    @Query(value = "SELECT Cast(stuid as varchar) id, SUM(marks) as marks FROM studs where group by stuid", nativeQuery = true)
    List<Student> findMarkGroupByStuid();

    public static interface Student(){
        private String getId();
        private String getMarks();