ngFor + ngModel: How can I unshift values to the array I am iterating?

Figured out the issue. Use trackBy

The issue is if the value changes, the differ reports a change. So if the default function returns object references, it will not match the current item if the object reference has changed.

Explaination on trackBy


After further investigation, the issue wasn't actually coming from the ngFor. It was the ngModel using the name attribute of the input.

In the loop, the name attribute is generated using the array index. However, when placing a new element at the start of the array, we suddenly have a new element with the same name.

This is probably creating a conflict with multiple ngModel observing the same input internally.

This behavior can be furthered observed when adding multiple inputs at the start of the array. All inputs that were initially created with the same name attribute, will take the value of the new input being created. Regardless if their respective values were changed or not.

To fix this issue you simply need to give each input a unique name. Either by using a unique id, as from my example below

<input [name]="'elem' +" [(ngModel)]="item.value">

Or by using a unique name/id generator (similar to what's Angular Material does).

Original answer

The issue, as stated by penleychan, is the missing trackBy on your ngFor directive.

You can find a working example of what you are looking for here

With the updated code from your example

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

    template: `
            <div *ngFor="let item of values; let index = index; trackBy: trackByFn">
                <input [name]="'elem' + index" [(ngModel)]="item.value">
class TestComponent {
    values: {id: number, value: string}[] = [{id: 0, value: 'a'}, {id: 1, value: 'b'}];
    trackByFn = (index, item) =>;

fdescribe('ngFor/Model', () => {
    let component: TestComponent;
    let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
    let element: HTMLDivElement;

    beforeEach(async () => {
            imports: [FormsModule],
            declarations: [TestComponent]

        fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
        component = fixture.componentInstance;
        element = fixture.nativeElement;

        await fixture.whenStable();

    function getAllValues() {
        return Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('input')).map(elem => elem.value);

    it('should display all values', async () => {
        // evaluation
        expect(getAllValues()).toEqual(['a', 'b']);

    it('should display all values after push', async () => {
        // execution
        component.values.push({id: 2, value: 'c'});
        await fixture.whenStable();

        // evaluation
        expect(getAllValues()).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']);

    it('should display all values after unshift', async () => {
        // execution
        component.values.unshift({id: 2, value: 'z'});
        await fixture.whenStable();

        // evaluation
        console.log(JSON.stringify(getAllValues())); // Logs '["z","z","b"]'
        expect(getAllValues()).toEqual(['z', 'a', 'b']);

Despite your comment, it not a workaround. trackBy was made for the type of use (as well as performances but both are linked).

You can find ngForOf directive code here if you want to take a look for yourself, but here is how it works.

The ngForOf directive is diffing the array to determine modifications made, however without a specific trackBy function passed it is left with making soft comparisons. Which is fine for simple data structure such as strings, or numbers. But when you are using Objects, it can get wacky really fast.

On top of lowering performances, the lack of clear identification for the items inside the array can force the array to re-render the entirety of the elements.

However, if the ngForOf directive is able to clearly determine which item has changed, which item was deleted and which one was added. It can leave every other items untouched, add or remove templates from the DOM as required, and update only the ones that needs to be.

If you add the trackBy function and add an item at the start of the array, the diffing can realize that this is exactly what happened, and prepend a new template a the beginning of the loop while binding the corresponding item to it.