newline in multirow environment

There is several ways to do it. A very simple way is using \shortstack


    \multirow{5}{*}{\shortstack[l]{Numbers from\\ 1 to 5}}&1 \\ 
                                                          &2 \\
                                                          &3 \\
                                                          &4 \\
                                                          &5 \\ \hline

    \multirow{5}{*}{\shortstack{Numbers from\\ 1 to 5}}&1 \\ 
                                                       &2 \\
                                                       &3 \\
                                                       &4 \\
                                                       &5 \\ \hline

    \multirow{5}{*}{\parbox{3cm}{Numbers from\\ 1 to 5}}&1 \\ 
                                                        &2 \\
                                                        &3 \\
                                                        &4 \\
                                                        &5 \\ \hline


enter image description here

Simple with makecell, which is done for this sort of things: use the \multirowcell command (syntax even simpler than \multirow):

\usepackage{multirow, makecell}


\multirowcell{5}{Numbers\\from\\ 1 to 5}&1 \\
&2 \\
&3 \\
&4 \\
&5 \\ \hline

enter image description here