Neural Network illustration

This might be more complicated than it needs be, but it does seem to work.

enter image description here

% this is the command that prints the first node in a layer
%    \node[bias neuron] (L\nn@layerindex-0) at (\nn@node@xb, \nn@node@y) {\nn@nodecaption{\nn@layerindex}{0}};
% we want to modify the last bit to use the loop macro \nn@nodeindex instead of 0

% define the nodeindex to be zero initially

  \ifnum \nn@nodeindex=0


  \ifnum \nn@nodeindex=0

  \ifnum \nn@nodeindex=0

\begin{neuralnetwork}[height=1.5 ,maintitleheight=1cm,layertitleheight=3cm]
  \inputlayer[count=3, title={Input-lag}, text=\nodetextx]
  \hiddenlayer[count=5, title={Skjult lag}, text=\nodetexth]
  \hiddenlayer[count=4, title={Skjult lag}, text=\nodetexthto]
  \outputlayer[count=1, title={Output-lag}, text=\nodetextz] 

