Netflix video player in Chrome - how to seek?

Finally found a simple solution:[1][1].handler(null, {value: 999, pointerEventData: {playing: false}});

You can set:

  • position using value property
  • playing state using pointerEventData.playing property

It's not complete solution, but can be useful.

Previous version of netflix player was with global object In the recent version it's empty, but you can access this object within events listeners:

  1. Open Chrome Developer Tools
  2. Select "body" element
  3. Select "Event Listeners"
  4. Turn on "Framework listeners"
  5. Select "keydown" event, "body" - handler p(e), "[[Scopes]]", 1 [[Closure]]
  6. You can save this object reference with context menu - "Store as a global variable"
  7. Then in new global variable you can get access to temp1.cadmium.objects.videoPlayer

    temp1.cadmium.objects.videoPlayer().getDuration() temp1.cadmium.objects.videoPlayer().seek(2283839); temp1.cadmium.objects.videoPlayer().seek(4283839);

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

I am not sure is it possible to do fully automatic. You can get access to this listeners by


But I don't know how to get access to scopes variables

Looks like netflix changed player api. Its what I found:

const videoPlayer = netflix

// Getting player id
const playerSessionId = videoPlayer

const player = videoPlayer

Now you can use full player API. For example or player.getCurrentTime or player.pause, etc...

It will only work in console log of netflix if you want it to work in chrome extension then you need to inject this code in a script tag to make this work.

const videoPlayer = netflix.appContext.state.playerApp.getAPI().videoPlayer;
const player = videoPlayer.getVideoPlayerBySessionId(videoPlayer.getAllPlayerSessionIds()[0]); //seek to roughly 18mins

player.getCurrentTime() // will give you the current video time.

enter image description here