NetBeans: Code folds do not appear on one of my PHP files

This problem persists in Netbeans 7.2.1, not only with PHP, but also with java code, the way that works for me is to uncheck [Use code fold:] as described in o0omycomputero0o's answer, apply changes by clicking OK, then recheck [Use code folding:], and click OK, it sort of re-validates the code folds to the expected state, No IDE reload needed.

@ sudhir chauhan: If code folds wasn't already selected the other php files would not have folds alredy.

This is a known bug with Netbeans that is very annoying and happens occasionally to me as well when editing PHP. The only solution is to save the file, close the Netbeans IDE and re-open Netbeans.

Also sometimes you unfold code and click to refold and you cant.. to resolve this related issue just click on a line outside the fold (ie. the function above) then click on the "-" to refold the code.