.net-core-2.0 azure app service 502.5 error

Brand new .net core 2.1 app trying to deploy to new Azure app service with new app service plan. Same issues, namely 502.5 error ( HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure ).

I implemented the above steps and still ran into errors. I opted to use the chose the self-contained deployment mode (compared to framework dependent (win-x64)).

This resolved my issue.

This answer was also submitted to [question]: ASP.NET Core 2.0 Preview 2 on IIS error 502.5

Perhaps these questions should be linked.

Found the issue. Let me start by adding a little more information. This was originally a .net-core-1.1 project that I updated to 2.0 following instructions provided by Microsoft. After upgrading, I had no issues at all running locally, but once I tried to publish my azure app service, i kept getting the IIS error. Last ditch effort was to create a new .net-core-2.0 project from scratch this morning and noticed that the new project file contained this:

    <DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Tools" Version="2.0.0" />

I added that to my existing project file (the one upgraded from 1.1) and now the error is gone and issue resolved.

I spoke to the aspnet IISIntegration team members and found my solution.

tldr: Empty out your wwwroot folder on kudu.

The issue relates to having old things leftover from previous 1.x deployments

Step 1:

Navigate to the Kudu Console (https://{yourapp}.scm.azurewebsites.net/)

Step 2:

Navigate to file structure

Step 3:

Delete wwwroot folder

(Note: navigate into the "site" directory)

(Note: there is a wwwroot folder within this wwwroot. You should delete the one that is in the "site" directory)

Step 4:

Add a new empty folder called wwwroot where you just deleted the previous one (within "site" directory)

(Note: my deployment failed when I didn't have the empty wwwroot folder in there)

Step 5: Redeploy your app and hopefully it works. Good luck