Nested Undersets

Here, I introduce


If #2 is blank, the width of the typeset is derived from the \smile...otherwise it is derived from the width of #2.




enter image description here

Here is a simple array.

\newcommand{\scriptclap}[1]{\mathclap{\scriptstyle #1}}
Some text.
\[ \begin{array}[t]{*7{c@{}}}
 90 && 180 && 360 && 600\\[-1ex]
 & \LargerSmile & & \LargerSmile & & \LargerSmile &\\[-1ex]
 &\scriptclap{+90} & &\scriptclap{+180} && \scriptclap{+240}&\\[-1ex]
 & & \LargerSmile & & & &\\[-1ex]
 & & \scriptclap{+90} & & & &\\
\end{array} \quad\dots \text{more stuff} \]
More text.

enter image description here

The more stuff is just to show that you can align the top row with other parts of the formula. If this is not needed, remove [t] after \begin{array}.

For more complicated tasks I recommend TikZ with the tikzmark library.

With a not so complicated syntax:




  90 && 180 && 360 && 600 \\
  & \U && \U && \U  \\
  & \?{+90} && \?{+180} && \?{+240} \\
  && \U && \U \\
  && \?{+90} && \?{+60} \\
  &&& \U \\
  &&& \?{+30}

  640 && 231 && 100 && 91 && 1003 \\
  & \U && \U && \U && \U \\
  & \?{-409} && \?{-131} && \?{-9} && \?{+912} \\
  && \U && \U && \U \\
  && \?{+278} && \?{+122} && \?{921} \\
  &&& \U && \U \\
  &&& \?{-156} && \?{+799} \\
  &&&& \U \\
  &&&& \?{955}


No more than four digits in the main numbers.

enter image description here

