Nested lists python

Try this setup:

a = [["a","b","c",],["d","e"],["f","g","h"]]

To print the 2nd element in the 1st list ("b"), use print a[0][1] - For the 2nd element in 3rd list ("g"): print a[2][1]

The first brackets reference which nested list you're accessing, the second pair references the item in that list.

If you really need the indices you can just do what you said again for the inner list:

l = [[2,2,2],[3,3,3],[4,4,4]]
for index1 in xrange(len(l)):
    for index2 in xrange(len(l[index1])):
        print index1, index2, l[index1][index2]

But it is more pythonic to iterate through the list itself:

for inner_l in l:
    for item in inner_l:
        print item

If you really need the indices you can also use enumerate:

for index1, inner_l in enumerate(l):
    for index2, item in enumerate(inner_l):
        print index1, index2, item, l[index1][index2]

