Nested class in javascript, inheritance of private methods

Well to provide the benefit of prototypal inheritance where all "subclasses" share a single instance of the method in prototype, but to ALSO provide the feature of inheriting private instances... I came up with:

function Person(name,latentPower){
    var privatesForChildren =   { password:"xyz"
    this.inherit = function(){
        for(v in privatesForChildren){
            eval("var " + v + "=privatesForChildren['" + v + "'];");
    } = name;
    this.revealName = function(){ alert("My name is" + + "."); }  
    this.revealPowers = function(){ alert("I'm normal."); } 
function Mutant(name,latentPower,fuel){;   // Inherit private instance variables
    var fuel = fuel; = name;
    this.revealPowers = function(){
    alert("I manifest the powers of " + latentPower + " when I " + fuel + ".");
Mutant.prototype = new Person;
Mutant.prototype.constructor = Mutant;

bob = new Person("Bob","telekenesis");
jim = new Mutant("Jim","nausea","eat pizza");
buford = new Mutant("Buford","Teflon Man","breathe");

jim.revealName(); //Inherited properly from prototype
buford.revealPowers();  //distinct from Jim's so is an "instance var"
alert(bob.latentPower); //returns undefined 
alert(buford.latentPower); //returns undefined, so is "private".

How useful is that?

Using the convention of underscore for "private" methods is a reasonable way to keep things organized.

  MainObject = function() {

       this._privateVariable = "i'm private";

       this._privateMethod = function() {
          // doSomething

        this.publicMethod = function() {
          // doPublicSomething

Closures are a lexical feature, not a semantic one. If the object is outside the lexical scope of another, it can no longer be "nested" and access the former's local variables. In the code of your nested function/class, there's no such thing as this.privateMethod, because privateMethod is never made to be a property of MainObject. It's simply a local variable inside a function.

There's no such things as "private properties", "private methods" or "private members" in JavaScript. Hell, there's no such thing as a "class". Some people like to emulate private members using local variables as above, but doing so results in cases like this, where the discrepancy between the two concepts comes and bites one in the behind.

To conclude, it is a bad idea to write Java code, with all its OO techniques in JS, just as it is a bad idea to write C code, with all its pointers and unbounded buffers, in C#. Sure, in both cases you can do it, but you would be failing to appreciate and exploit the language's features this way.

And now that I'm done with the rant, you can do something like this to get "namespaced" functions:

MainObject = function() {
    var privateVariable = "I'm private";

    var privateMethod = function() {

    this.publicMethod = function() {

    this.nested = {
      publicNestedMethod: function() {

    // or

    this.nested = (function() {
      var nestedPrivate = 5;

      return {
        publicNestedMethod: function() {

MyObject = new MainObject();
