Nested Array-like environment without Math-region

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\newcommand{\textarray}[1]{\ensuremath{\left[ \mbox{\ttfamily\begin{tabular}{l} #1 \end{tabular}}\right]}}


\textarray{Note that \\ all text \\ is verbatim} $\rightarrow$ not vertical centering \\[4ex]
\textarray{Lorem ipsum \\ dolor sit amet, consectetur}  


Note that
all text
is verbatim
note vertical centering
Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet, consecetur
Note that
nested hierarchy
can be
quite complex
\savestack\TopRow{$\bracketVectorstack{\UpLeft} \rightarrow \UpRight$}
\savestack\BottomRow{$\bracketVectorstack{\LowLeft} \rightarrow \bracketVectorstack{\LowRight}$}

enter image description here

If I spend the time to clean up the spacings, and align at the arrows:

Note that
all text
is verbatim
note vertical centering
Lorem ipsum \#@%$^&
dolor sit amet, consecetur
Note that
nested hierarchy
can be
quite complex
  \rightarrow \UpRight$}
  \rightarrow \bracketVectorstack{\addstackgap{\LowRight}}$}
  &\rightarrow \UpRight}{\bracketVectorstack{\LowLeft} 
  &\rightarrow \bracketVectorstack{\addstackgap{\LowRight}}}}

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