Need to access old forgotten router that only supports SSLv3

Internet Explorer 11 supports it, but you have to go to Advanced options Tab to enable it.

enter image description here

The equivalent solution for Firefox is to open the about:config tab and set


to 0.


Helpful link to test your browser's SSL/TLS settings.

Chrome allows this functionality. Referenced here.

In Google Chrome, you can use the --ssl-version-max and --ssl-version-min command line flags to select a specific protocol verison. The accepted values are: "ssl3", "tls1", "tls1.1", or "tls1.2". How to set command line flags on Chrome.

How to set command line flags on Chrome:


Exit any running-instance of chrome. Find the shortcut you normally use to launch chrome. Create a copy of it Right click on the new shortcut, and select Properties At the very end of the Target: text box, add a space and then the desired command line flags. It should end in something like ...\chrome.exe" --foo --bar=2 Double click the new shortcut to launch chrome with the new command line flags.

Mac OS X

Quit any running instance of chrome. Launch /Applications/Utilities/ At the command prompt enter: /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --foo --bar=2


Exit any running instance of chrome. Execute in a console: google-chrome --foo --bar=2

(If you are using a different named chrome/chromium build, change the command accordingly)

Chrome OS

Put the device into dev mode so you can get a root shell Modify /etc/chrome_dev.conf (read the comments in the file for more details) Restart the UI via: sudo restart ui

Do remember this may lower the security state of your browser. It is not recommended to use these downgrades for normal browsing.

