Need a way to scale a font to fit a rectangle

Semi-pseudo code:

public Font scaleFont(
    String text, Rectangle rect, Graphics g, Font font) {
    float fontSize = 20.0f;

    font = g.getFont().deriveFont(fontSize);
    int width = g.getFontMetrics(font).stringWidth(text);
    fontSize = (rect.width / width ) * fontSize;
    return g.getFont().deriveFont(fontSize);

A derivation that iterates:

 * Adjusts the given {@link Font}/{@link String} size such that it fits
 * within the bounds of the given {@link Rectangle}.
 * @param label    Contains the text and font to scale.
 * @param dst      The bounds for fitting the string.
 * @param graphics The context for rendering the string.
 * @return A new {@link Font} instance that is guaranteed to write the given
 * string within the bounds of the given {@link Rectangle}.
public Font scaleFont(
    final JLabel label, final Rectangle dst, final Graphics graphics ) {
  assert label != null;
  assert dst != null;
  assert graphics != null;

  final var font = label.getFont();
  final var text = label.getText();

  final var frc = ((Graphics2D) graphics).getFontRenderContext();

  final var dstWidthPx = dst.getWidth();
  final var dstHeightPx = dst.getHeight();

  var minSizePt = 1f;
  var maxSizePt = 1000f;
  var scaledFont = font;
  float scaledPt = scaledFont.getSize();

  while( maxSizePt - minSizePt > 1f ) {
    scaledFont = scaledFont.deriveFont( scaledPt );

    final var layout = new TextLayout( text, scaledFont, frc );
    final var fontWidthPx = layout.getVisibleAdvance();

    final var metrics = scaledFont.getLineMetrics( text, frc );
    final var fontHeightPx = metrics.getHeight();

    if( (fontWidthPx > dstWidthPx) || (fontHeightPx > dstHeightPx) ) {
      maxSizePt = scaledPt;
    else {
      minSizePt = scaledPt;

    scaledPt = (minSizePt + maxSizePt) / 2;

  return scaledFont.deriveFont( (float) Math.floor( scaledPt ) );

Imagine you want to add a label to a component that has rectangular bounds r such that the label completely fills the component's area. One could write:

final Font DEFAULT_FONT = new Font( "DejaVu Sans", BOLD, 12 );
final Color COLOUR_LABEL = new Color( 33, 33, 33 );

// TODO: Return a valid container component instance.
final var r = getComponent().getBounds();
final var graphics = getComponent().getGraphics();

final int width = (int) r.getWidth();
final int height = (int) r.getHeight();

final var label = new JLabel( text );
label.setFont( DEFAULT_FONT );
label.setSize( width, height );
label.setForeground( COLOUR_LABEL );

final var scaledFont = scaleFont( label, r, graphics );
label.setFont( scaledFont );

You could use interpolation search:

public static Font scaleFont(String text, Rectangle rect, Graphics g, Font pFont) {
    float min=0.1f;
    float max=72f;
    float size=18.0f;
    Font font=pFont;

    while(max - min <= 0.1) {
        font = g.getFont().deriveFont(size);
        FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font);
        int width = fm.stringWidth(text);
        if (width == rect.width) {
            return font;
        } else {
            if (width < rect.width) {
                min = size;
            } else {
                max = size;
            size = Math.min(max, Math.max(min, size * (float)rect.width / (float)width));
    return font;

Change all width variables to float instead of int for better result.

public static Font scaleFontToFit(String text, int width, Graphics g, Font pFont)
    float fontSize = pFont.getSize();
    float fWidth = g.getFontMetrics(pFont).stringWidth(text);
    if(fWidth <= width)
        return pFont;
    fontSize = ((float)width / fWidth) * fontSize;
    return pFont.deriveFont(fontSize);