navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() never returns in WebView on Android

Looks like there are 2 different issues in your case:

  1. getCurrentPosition never fails
  2. getCurrentPosition never succeed

First point could be just because method has infinite timeout

The default value is Infinity, meaning that getCurrentPosition() won't return until the position is available.

Second point could be tricky, there is a param maximumAge which means

The PositionOptions.maximumAge property is a positive long value indicating the maximum age in milliseconds of a possible cached position that is acceptable to return. If set to 0, it means that the device cannot use a cached position and must attempt to retrieve the real current position. If set to Infinity the device must return a cached position regardless of its age.

0 by default means that device won't use cached position and will try to fetch the real one and it could be an issue for long response.

Also you could check this reporst which could mean that this API doesn't work really good on Android:

*Cordova leaves geolocation stuff for browser.

Actually, navigator is a child of browser global object, the window. you should first access to window then call the navigator. In some modern browsers, In addition to the window, some child object is presented like a global object, for example: location, navigator and etc.

The WebView has no global object window. So you can add it manually, for this action please read this medium article.

Maybe your code will be like below:

my_web_view.evaluateJavascript("javascript: " + "updateFromAndroid(\"" + edit_text_to_web.text + "\")", null);

And then add JavaScript interface, like the window object, to this evaluator:

my_web_view.addJavascriptInterface(JavaScriptInterface(), JAVASCRIPT_OBJ); //JAVASCRIPT_OBJ: like window, like navigator, like location and etc.

Change your request for permission like this,

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{

This seems to work.

Try with options to set timeout (source):

var options = {
    enableHighAccuracy: true,
    timeout: 10000,
    maximumAge: 0

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, options);

If it fails then try to override getCurrentPosition (source):

(function() {

if (navigator.geolocation) {
    function PositionError(code, message) {
        this.code = code;
        this.message = message;

    PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1;
    PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE = 2;
    PositionError.TIMEOUT = 3;
    PositionError.prototype = new Error();

    navigator.geolocation._getCurrentPosition = navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition;

    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition = function(success, failure, options) {
        var successHandler = function(position) {
            if ((position.coords.latitude == 0 && position.coords.longitude == 0) ||
                (position.coords.latitude == 37.38600158691406 && position.coords.longitude == -122.08200073242188)) 
                return failureHandler(new PositionError(PositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE, 'Position unavailable')); 

            failureHandler = function() {};

        var failureHandler = function(error) {
            failureHandler = function() {};

        navigator.geolocation._getCurrentPosition(successHandler, failureHandler, options);

        window.setTimeout(function() { failureHandler(new PositionError(PositionError.TIMEOUT, 'Timed out')) }, 10000);

As a third option annotate with @JavascriptInterface (source) in EmbeddedChromeClient

Also add at the proper place in your code:

webView.addJavascriptInterface(new EmbeddedChromeClient(webView), "injectedObject");
webView.loadData("html here", "text/html", null);

The last option is just to use tags in html, load the html from disk storage, replace tags in the calling function, load the html/string in the webView. I have used this approach before in Android when positioning frustrated me too much. Then you don't have to worry about https either.