Nautilus not opening up, showing GLib error

This answer by cortopy in, worked for me.

I've been experiencing a similar problem today, only I couldn't open nautilus at all. So I'm wondering if this is due to some recent update clash.

This isn't a likely solution, but at least it allows me to carry on as normal.

First thing to try is sudo nautilus in a terminal. If it works, then it may mean that there is something wrong with active nautilus processess for your current user.

To be able to restart nautilus properly, do the following:

  1. See what nautilus processes are running :
    ps aux | grep nautilus
  2. Kill all nautilus processes you see :
    sudo kill PIDNUMBER
  3. Restart nautilus :
    nautilus -q

Please type in Terminal:

sudo killall nautilus && (nautilus &)

This has reported here: Nautilus does not start