Nautilus-actions in 18.04

Update 2019-12-05

For the latest Ubuntu 19.10 (eoan ermine) and for previous one Ubuntu 19.04 (disco dingo) the below actions are not needed, the package filemanager-actions is located in universe pocket. See fresh answer.

Update 2018-05-31

Daniel Marynicz has created PPA for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Nautilus, Caja and Nemo-enabled packages. You can install them as usual:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:daniel-marynicz/filemanager-actions

sudo apt-get install filemanager-actions-nautilus-extension # Nautilus
sudo apt-get install filemanager-actions-caja-extension # Caja
sudo apt-get install filemanager-actions-nemo-extension # Nemo

sudo apt-get install filemanager-actions* # simply all filemanagers

After installation you can launch fma-config-tool.

Initial consideration of the problem:

Modern version of Nautilus Actions (nautilus-actions package in trusty (14.04 LTS), xenial (16.04 LTS), artful (17.10)) are named as FileManager Actions (filemanager-actions package, it is not yet packaged in Debian and Ubuntu - see at

If you do not want to compile packages by yourself - use links in the end of this answer.

So we can try to compile this package locally:

  1. Install dependencies

    sudo apt-get install build-essential gnome-doc-utils intltool \
    libnautilus-extension-dev uuid-dev libxml2-dev libgtop2-dev rarian-compat

    Note: if you need to support all three file-managers you should install two additional packages before compilation with sudo apt-get install libnemo-extension-dev libcaja-extension-dev.

  2. Download, extract, configure, make (otherwise, if you prefer the easy way: use the deb file from links at the end of answer)

    cd ~/Downloads
    tar -xf filemanager-actions-3.4.tar.xz
    cd filemanager-actions-3.4
    make -j5
  3. Install package

    • Here standard way is to use

      sudo make install

      but this will not create deb-package (but you can remove fma with sudo make uninstall);

    • so using checkinstall is better:

      sudo apt-get install checkinstall
      sudo checkinstall make install
      sudo apt-get install ./filemanager-actions_3.4-1_amd64.deb

After installation you will get new executable named fma-config-tool, its window is named FileManager-Actions Configuration Tool and looks like:

fma-config-tool on Bionic

Below is the link to compiled package:

  • only Nautilus support - download filemanager-actions_3.4-1_amd64.deb-package.

I've just upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04LTS to 18.04LTS, and find myself missing nautilus-actions as well. I tried installing caja-actions (as it doesn't depend on caja) on the off-chance it'd automatically work with nautilus, but unfortunately it does not.

According to the github page for nautilus-actions, it's been deprecated and renamed FileManager-Actions. I can't find a filemanager-actions package in Ubuntu 18.04, although there are source packages available at that 2nd link.

So our best shot might be to wait until we can't stand living without it any longer, then compile/tinker, depending on what state it's in.


I've just compiled/installed filemanager-actions 3.4 from source and it seems to be working fine with the stock Nautilus in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS :)

To compile it, I had to install the following extra packages:


libgtk-3-dev in particular will bring with it a lot of additional packages. You might want to use apt-get's --simulate option to keep track of exactly what's going to be installed before you go ahead with it - e.g.:

$ apt-get install --simulate intltool gnome-doc-utils libgtk-3-dev libxml2-dev uuid-dev libgtop2-dev libnautilus-extension-dev > cruft

I already had some development tools installed (gcc, make, etc). Installing the 'build-essential' package should get you everything you need.

Steps to compile and install filemanager-actions, after unpacking and cd'ing into the source directory, were:

$ ./configure --with-nautilus --disable-scrollkeeper
$ make
$ sudo make install-strip

After that I had to log out of GNOME, then back in, before filemanager-actions items appeared in the Nautilus right-click menu.