Named Mutex with await

You must ensure that mutex is being accessed consistently on a certain thread. You could do that in a number of ways:

  1. Do not use await in the critical section during which you hold the mutex
  2. Invoke the mutex calls on a TaskScheduler that only has a single thread

That could look like this:

await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => mutex.WaitOne(), myCustomTaskScheduler);

Or, you use synchronous code and move everything to the thread-pool. If you only have access to an async version of DoSomething, consider just calling Task.Wait on its result. You'll suffer a minor inefficiency here. Probably fine.

I use named Mutex in async method to control that only one process call it. Another process checks for named Mutex and exits if it cannot create new named Mutex.

I can use named Mutex in async method as OS guarantees/controls only one instance of named object in OS. Plus, I do not use WaitOne/Release that should be called on the thread.

public async Task<bool> MutexWithAsync()
    // Create OS-wide named object. (It will not use WaitOne/Release)
    using (Mutex myMutex = new Mutex(false, "My mutex Name", out var owned))
        if (owned)
            // New named-object was created. We own it.
                await DoSomething();
                return true;
                return false;
            // The mutex was created by another process.
            // Exit this instance of process.