MySQL connector error "The server time zone value Central European Time"

I faced this issue when I upgraded my mysql server to SQL Server 8.0 (MYSQL80).

The simplest solution to this problem is just write the below command in your MYSQL Workbench -

  SET GLOBAL time_zone = '+5:30'

The value after the time-zone will be equal to GMT+/- Difference in your timezone. The above example is for India(GMT+5:30). It will solve the issue.

Find what is the timezone you are in and replace +00:00 with your timezone.

SET @@global.time_zone = '+00:00';
SET @@session.time_zone = '+00:00';

Then check if the values were set:

SELECT @@global.time_zone, @@session.time_zone;

SELECT result

Thank you Mark Rotteveel and Gord Thompson

I have the connection in an XML file, with & and Europe/Amsterdam finally works.


Thank you, you are great

If you are using MySQL client eg. DBeaver you should change settings of your connection. So, click right click mouse on the connection and click Edit Connection. Then, edit your driver properties which are located under the "Connection settings", go to the bottom of settings and click "Add new property", add serverTimezone as your new property name and enter value eg. Europe/Warsaw. That's all.



