My computer crashed, and a weird pattern of pixels was left on the screen

It appears to be a memory issue. To see if it's just temporary, do a full shutdown and reboot.

  • Press Windows and type CMD.
  • Press Enter to get a CMD prompt.
  • Type shutdown /s /t 0 .
  • Reboot and check for the pixel problem.
  • If that does not resolve the issue, turn off Fast Startup, which may be caching invalid data, and repeat the steps above.

Let me know if this helps!

I would try a different screen resolution and if possible a different monitor.

If it only shows on one monitor then you know the monitor is the problem. And changing the screen resolution can have multiple outcomes. All will help to analyze the problem further.

Like DrMoishe Pippik said, maybe a full shut-down helps. To do it you can also use the reboot option, because afaik it also performs a full shut-down and reboot, instead of just saving the ram to the disk like the shut-down does.

If there is still that error, either it is the framebuffer like PlasmaHH wrote or an error in the RAM. If it is in the RAM you can try to start a Memtest86+ using a linux live image for example (e.g. Linux Mint)

Another option: Lenovo offers software for diagnosis. You can find that here:
