MvvmCross Bind to UIButton.TitleLabel.Text

The easiest way to bind a UIButton Title:

set.Bind(btnFoo).For("Title").To(vm => vm.BtnFooText);

For debugging issues, enabling trace may help - see MvvmCross Mvx.Trace usage

For binding a property on a fixed pre-existing subcontrol of a subcontrol then this approach should work:

set.Bind(sub.subSub).For(c => c.PropertyName).To(vm => vm.Foo);

However, that won't continue to work if the sub control then changes its sub control at any point. For those cases, look at custom bindings - eg see

For the specific case of a uibutton, you can just bind its "Title" - see Fluent Bindings and UIButton titles

For me UIButton binding to TitleLabel doesn't work. I came up with custom binding which works great and way flexible:

Apply binding:

  set.Bind(FinishedButton).For(UIButtonTextBinding.Property).To(v => v.FinishActionText);

Binding code:

public class UIButtonTextBinding : MvxTargetBinding
    public const string Property = "ButtonText";

    protected UIButton View
        get { return Target as UIButton; }

    public UIButtonTextBinding(UIButton target)
        : base(target)

    public override void SetValue(object value)
        var view = View;
        if (view == null)

        var stringValue = value as string;
        view.SetTitle(stringValue, UIControlState.Normal);

    public override Type TargetType
        get { return typeof(string); }

    public override MvxBindingMode DefaultMode
        get { return MvxBindingMode.OneWay; }