MVVM View reference to ViewModel

1) The View has definitely a reference to the ViewModel through the DataContext. And you are allowed to cast the DataContext in your View:

public class ShellView : Window 
   public ShellViewModel { get { return DataContext as ShellViewModel; } }

This isn’t a violation with the Model-View-ViewModel pattern.


2) You are right. A ViewModel shouldn’t open another View. A better approach is to use Controllers. They are responsible for the Workflow of an application.

If you are interested in more detailed information then you might have a look at the WPF Application Framework (WAF).

1) Here are two simple practices for View's "knowing about" a ViewModel. It's reasonable for a View to know about a ViewModel (for Data Binding) -- but you may not need it in your case. See if either of these approaches help solve your problem. There are other ways, but these should be simple enough:

public View(ViewModel vm)
     View.DataContext = vm;

public Bootstrapper(View v, ViewModel vm)
     v.DataContext = vm;
     //or, if you want it to have no parameters
     View v = new View();
     ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
     v.DataContext = vm;

The first option isn't bad if you have a service location tool, but there is a flavor of MVVM that doesn't like any code in the View's Code-Behind. The second option isn't bad either, should be simple enough for your task.

2.) This question can be a bit of a sticky point in MVVM design. If we are talking about a general Win32 MessageBox, I will often separate that logic into an additional object and put it in the VM. This way tends to a little more clear. (For example, I have selected an item in a ListBox, I have attached a Delete ICommand to that action, and in my ViewModel when this ICommand is Executed, I will poke my MessageBoxObject to ask if the user "wants to really delete" this item). More advanced "Dialogs" would use additional ViewModels and DataTemplates for those ViewModels. I prefer the Mediator approach.

1). The view will need a reference to the view model at some level, since the viewmodel will act as the view's datacontext.

2) One way to handle this is to have a generalized viewmodel representing a dialog, that is owned by the main viewmodel (the one being used as the views datacontext.)

You can use a command to crate a new instance of a dialog viewmodel, which will have a corresponding datatemplate defined in your resources. This template will be set to bind to the dialogviewmodel type.

