multline inside an item

The amsmath alignment environments are only for display math. But mathtools augments the available environments:


    \item $\mathit{checkorder}( (\lambda,\lambda,\lambda) ) \triangleq \mathit{true}$
    \item $\begin{multlined}[t]
     \mathit{checkorder}( (a,(u,U_1,U_2),(v,V_1,V_2)) ) \triangleq \\
     (u = \lambda \vee u \leq_A a) \wedge
     (v = \lambda \vee a \leq_A v) \wedge {} \\
     \mathit{checkorder}(U_1) \wedge \mathit{checkorder}(U_2) \wedge
     \mathit{checkorder}(V_1) \wedge checkorder(V_2)
    \item $\mathit{checkorder}(T) \triangleq \mathit{false}$ negli altri casi

enter image description here

Notice a couple of refinements: long function names should be inside \mathit, to get a better looking font in this case; the \wedge before \\ should be followed by {} to get correct spacing.

Never use $$ in LaTeX.

I had a similar issue with \multline environment. So I came up with a forced solution. Here is what I did:

\item \abovedisplayskip-15pt 

Of course, egreg's solution is by far the best and mine is was just out of desperation in finding an immediate solutions. I know that my code above is not the best but hey it solved my problem. I have decided to implement egreg's answer into my code as it seems to better and more concise.