Multiply two dataframes condition on another column

Use for match by X1 and then multiple by X2:

df1['X2'] *= df1['X1'].map(df2.set_index('X1')['X2'])
print (df1)
         date X1   X2
0  01-01-2020  H   50
1  01-02-2020  H  150
2  01-03-2020  Y  150
3  01-04-2020  Y  200

Or use DataFrame.merge with left join:

df1['X2'] *= df2.merge(df1, on='X1', how='left')['X2_x']
print (df1)
         date X1   X2
0  01-01-2020  H   50
1  01-02-2020  H  150
2  01-03-2020  Y  150
3  01-04-2020  Y  200

You can set the index on both dataframes and assign the array to df :

df["X2"] = df.set_index("X1").X2.mul(df1.set_index("X1").X2).array


        date    X1  X2
0   01-01-2020  H   50
1   01-02-2020  H   150
2   01-03-2020  Y   150
3   01-04-2020  Y   200

Use df.merge and prod(axis=1)

df1['X2']=df1.merge(df2, how='left', on='X1').filter(like='_').prod(axis=1)

    date      X1   X2
0  01-01-2020  H   50
1  01-02-2020  H  150
2  01-03-2020  Y  150
3  01-04-2020  Y  200