multiple usequeries in a single component

Indeed you can use multiple queries

const queryMultiple = () => {
  const res1 = useQuery(Get_Doctor);
  const res2 = useQuery(GET_Branch);
  return [res1, res2];

const [
    { loading: loading1, data: data1 },
    { loading: loading2, data: data2 }
] = queryMultiple()

What you want to do is compose multiple useQuery into your own custom hook:


But still, its just a syntactic sugar

const { data:doc_data } = useQuery(Get_Doctor);
const { data:branch_data, error: branch_error, loading: branch_loading } = useQuery(GET_Branch);

You just have to rename the data field to have it work. Note that you will have to rename the other fields like error, loading etc if any of your queries will be returning them.