Multiple terminal windows in Windows Ubuntu?

  1. Windows Terminal Way:

    Windows Terminal is a terminal emulator for Windows 10 written by Microsoft.

    • Download it from Microsoft Store
    • Click on Drop-down and choose Ubuntu. If it doesn't exists add that. See: How do I add application on Windows Terminal?
  2. CMD Way:

    This could be achieved. You need to open multiple windows of command prompt and type ubuntu or ubuntu1604 or ubuntu1804 depending on the version you've downloaded on all the prompts. You'll get multiple terminals.

    In this screenshot I have opened one "Terminal" in app and four in cmd

You can Shift-click the Ubuntu icon to open another instance of the Ubuntu app/terminal.

Or if you have it pinned to your taskbar and it's one of the first 10 icons (e.g. 2nd icon), you could also do Windows+Shift+2 as a keyboard shortcut to open a new instance, after doing Windows+2 to open it initially.

Try using a different terminal cmd is awful, ConEmu on windows works great. After you install it you can open multiple tabs or split vertical/horizontal like terminator on Linux using hotkey Ctrl+Shift+O or Ctrl+Shift+E.

Also to speed up WSL on windows (IO is so slow) There are a few tutorials out there such as (sacrifice some security tho)