Multiple Selection Spinner

S spinner is designed to show one item at a time. You might get away by making a spinner of checkboxes, but it will be probably an awful user experience.

I would suggest you a ListView instead and CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE. You can add a listview to a dialog as shown in this answer: is it possible to create listview inside dialog?

Android provides Spinner widget which has functionality similar to drop-down list. But Spinner accepts single selection. so we select only one item at a We can achieve multi-select feature using a custom Pop-up Window with a multi-select list. Pop-up window is similar to Dialogs except that a pop-up window can be positioned.

When the drop-down button is clicked a list will be displayed(as drop-down), then you can select multiple values. The selected values will be displayed in a Text box above the list.

for reference you can prefer this link: