multiple prefix with the same route group

I think it's better to do:

Route::get('/news/{group}', 'NewsController@index')->name('news_index')->where('group', 'math|geography|chemistry');

And then just put condition on the controller function whether it is geography/math/chemistry/etc.

Don't you think?

Why not do it this way:

$subjects = [
    'chemistry', 'geography', 'math'

foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
    Route::prefix($subject)->group(function () {
        Route::get('news', 'NewsController@index')->name('news_index');
        Route::get('article', 'ArticleController@index')->name('article_index');

I know this is an elementary way do to it. Yet you can easily add subjects, it is clear and effortless to understand.


As pointed in the comments it could be convenient to name the route as per subject, here is how to do this:

$subjects = [
    'chemistry', 'geography', 'math'

foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
    Route::prefix($subject)->group(function () use ($subject) {
        Route::get('news', 'NewsController@index')->name("{$subject}_news_index");
        Route::get('article', 'ArticleController@index')->name("{$subject}_article_index");