Multiple nodes in ElasticSearch

I think the simplest way to do it is by specifying these parameters on the command line. To start three nodes you just need to run the following three commands in elasticsearch home directory:

$ bin/elasticsearch -Des.node.master=true
$ bin/elasticsearch -Des.node.master=false
$ bin/elasticsearch -Des.node.master=false

Another solution is to create 3 different config files and start three nodes with -Des.config=path-to-config-file parameter.

In windows for 6.x version, command attributes change to

elasticsearch -EsomeYamlPropety=someValue

First You need change an elasticsearch.yml properties to:

http.port: 9200-9299
transport.tcp.port: 9300-9399
node.max_local_storage_nodes: 2

Because You cant run nodes on single port, and when I try to use command with argument -Ehttp.port=9201 nodes where cant see each other and they create two different clusters with the same name.

Run the first node by a standard command:


Run the second node by command with attributes:

.\bin\elasticsearch -Enode.master=false

First off, you should be trying to access elasticsearch using [http://localhost:9200/][1], if you are using the default port bindings.

I would set up your master node to also be a data node, there is no reason not to. If you are trying to start 3 nodes on a single machine. But, starting 3 nodes all on the same machine doesn't make sense as anything other than an experiment. What are you trying to accomplish?