Multiple footnotes at one point

Use the footmisc package and its multiple option.



\textheight=80pt% only for the example


Some text.\footnote{A footnote}\footnote{And another one.}


enter image description here

This (the footmisc solution) won't work if you also have the hyperref package loaded. Either turn off hyperfootnotes [hyperfootnotes=false] as an argument to hyperref, or use \textsuperscript{,}. This maintains the same font for the comma, whereas your workaround above inserts the math font, and it could be different.

Additionally to the mentioned footmisc and the solution “by hand” there are three more possibilities.

  1. The KOMA-Script classes offer the option footnotes=multiple:

    \textheight=50pt % for this example only

    enter image description here

    As this again is not compatible with hyperref KOMA-Script also offers the rather lengthy \multiplefootnoteseparator. The comma used in both cases is set by \multfootsep which is defined through

  2. The memoir class natively supports multiple footnotes:

    \textheight=50pt % for this example only

    enter image description here

    Again this is not working together with hyperref so memoir also defines a macro for manual input, \multfootsep, which is defined like this:

  3. Then there is fnpct - a package that was designed to offer a solution for the kerning between footnote marks and punctuation. As a sideeffect it also enables multiple footnotes that are compatiple with hyperref:

    \textheight=50pt % for this example only

    enter image description here