Multiple datasources migrations using Flyway in a Spring Boot application

Flyway supports migrations coded within Java and so you can start Flyway during your application startup.

I am not sure how you would config Flyway to target a number of data sources via the its config files. My own development is based around using Java to call Flyway once per data source I need to work against. Spring Boot supports the autowiring of beans marked as @FlywayDataSource, but I have not looked into how this could be used.

For an in-java solution the code can be as simple as

    Flyway flyway = new Flyway();

    // Set the data source

    // Where to search for classes to be executed or SQL scripts to be found


To make @Roger Thomas answer more the Spring Boot way:

Easiest solution is to annotate your primary datasource with @Primary (which you already did) and just let bootstrap migrate your primary datasource the 'normal' way.

For the other datasources, migrate those sources by hand:

public class FlywaySlaveInitializer {

     @Autowired private DataSource dataSource2;
     @Autowired private DataSource dataSource3;
     //other datasources

     public void migrateFlyway() {
         Flyway flyway = new Flyway();
         //if default config is not sufficient, call setters here

         //source 2

         //source 3

Having your same problem... I looked into the spring-boot-autoconfigure artifact for V 2.2.4 in the org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.flyway package and I found an annotation FlywayDataSource.

Annotating ANY datasource you want to be used by Flyway should do the trick.
Something like this:

@Bean(name = "someDatasource")
public DataSource someDatasource(...) {
        <build and return your datasource>