Multiple commits in pull requests

In addition to Robin's answer, the recommended approach is that each developer creates a branch for each feature that they work on, based on the development branch. Then the pull request that is created represents exactly the changes that represent a particular feature or change.

Once a pull request has been reviewed and merged into the development branch, the process you use for merging into your release branch is simplified and separate from the review process.

Stash's documentation on branching and Atlassian's git tutorials explain these concepts in more detail.

A pull request means a "request to pull". A pull will pull all the commits, including their dependencies - it won't cherry-pick individual commits.

So if you want to request that only your commits be pulled, and there are other people's commits in the same branch, you have to first separate your commits into a different branch.

Following up: if you create a fresh branch off of the dev branch, and then submit a pull request from the new branch, it will include commits from the dev branch. The solution (or at least, our solution) is to have each developer create branches off of a master branch.