Multi-level marketing "legs" investment rule

Jelly,  12  9 bytes


A full program which accepts x T M and prints 0 if the peer is rewarded and 1 if not.

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ṢṚ×J$ṫ⁵<Ṃ - Main Link: list of numbers, x; number, T   e.g. [100, 50, 77, 22, 14, 45], 180
Ṣ         - sort x                                          [ 14, 22, 45, 50, 77,100]
 Ṛ        - reverse                                         [100, 77, 50, 45, 22, 14]
    $     - last two links as a monad:
   J      -   range of length                               [  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6]
  ×       -   multiply                                      [100,154,150,180,110, 84]
     ṫ    - tail from index:
      ⁵   -   5th argument (3rd input), M   (e.g. M=3)      [        150,180,110, 84]
       <  - less than T?                                    [          1,  0,  1,  1]
        Ṃ - minimum                                         0

05AB1E, 9 bytes


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Port of @JonathanAllan's Jelly answer, so also takes the inputs x T M and outputs 0 for "yes" and 1 for "no". If this is not allowed, and it should be inverted, a trailing _ can be added.


{           # Sort the (implicit) input `x`
            #  i.e. `x`=[100,50,77,22,14,45] → [14,22,45,50,77,100]
 R          # Reverse it
            #  i.e. [14,22,45,50,77,100] → [100,77,50,45,22,14]
  ƶ         # Multiply it by it's 1-indexed range
            #  i.e. [100,77,50,45,22,14] → [100,154,150,180,110,84]
   .s       # Get all the suffices of this list
            #  i.e. [100,154,150,180,110,84]
            #   → [[84],[110,84],[180,110,84],[150,180,110,84],[100,154,150,180,110,84]]
     s      # Swap to take the (implicit) input `T`
      è     # Get the prefix at index `T`
            #  i.e. [[84],[110,84],[180,110,84],[150,180,110,84],[100,154,150,180,110,84]]
            #   and `T=3` → [150,180,110,84]
       ›    # Check for each list-value if the (implicit) input `M` is larger than it
            #  i.e. [150,180,110,84] and `M`=180 → [1,0,1,1]
        ß   # And pop and push the minimum value in the list (which is output implicitly)
            #  i.e. [1,0,1,1] → 0

Alternative for .ssè:


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s       # Swap to take the (implicit) input `T`
 G }    # Loop `T-1` times:
  ¦     #  Remove the first item from the list that many times
        #   i.e. [100,154,150,180,110,84] and `T=3` → [150,180,110,84]

C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler) with flag /u:System.Linq.Enumerable, 69 bytes


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// Takes in 4 parameters as input
// Create a new array with the length of all the numbers from m to n, inclusive
// And filter the results by
// If the number of people that invested more than the total amount divided by the index plus m
// Is greater than the index plus m
>= b+m)
// And check if there is at least one value in the filtered IEnumerable<int>, and if there is, return true

Without any flags, 73 bytes

(n,x,t,m)=>new int[n-m+1].Where((_,b)=>x.Count(a=>a>=t/(b+m))>=b+m).Any()

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