Mssql login fail ECONNREFUSED

I finally found the solution .. the docker set the memory as 2GB while the MS SQL server requires 3.25GB... All i had to do was go to the Docker preferences and changed the memory to 4GB and it works :). I was using sql server on docker on Mac.

I'm using docker to set up containers and then sql-cli to access SQL server. This is how I resolved that error which I got after providing mssql -u sa -p mypassword.

  1. What I didn't realize at the beginning was a too simple password provided before with setting up a docker container:
docker run -d --name Homer -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=myPassw0rd' -p 1433:1433 microsoft/mssql-server-linux

The Terminal doesn't say this and only after going to docker > Kitematic and checking the logs of the just created container I saw such a security warning. I deleted that container and created a container with a strong password.

  1. Then I got the error after I've started a wrong container (so the connection failed because I was trying to provide the password for a different container). Since then, I prefer to use Kinematic to manage and access my containers. Before I type mssql -u sa -p mypassword in the Terminal and start to work, I just go to docker > Kinematic and Start my container.

In my case the container exited due to an insecure mssql password. Try reading the container logs.