MSBuild Unhandled Exception: The FileName property should not be a directory unless UseShellExecute is set

We run Ubuntu 18.04 on Azure as our Docker hosts. Azure recently pushed out kernel version 5.0.0-1018, which caused the issue in our Linux containers. Downgrading to kernel version 4.18.0-1025 fixed it for us.

I ran into the same issue and downgrading the linux kernel from 5.0.0-27-generic to 5.0.0.-25-generic fixed it.

A simple way to downgrade the linux kernel is to use the package Uku, which license costs 12$.

The free alternative is described here.

Another possibility is to increase the GRUB Timeout and choose the desired kernel version in the boot menu on every system start manually, which is described here.

The simplest solution is for .Net Core 2.1 and 2.2 is using lower Ubuntu version.

on: [push]



    runs-on: ubuntu-16.04

    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: Build the Docker image
      run: docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag yourtagname:$(date +%s)



