Move files using just keyboard in Mac Finder?

I'm answering my own question but Mac OS X Lion has it now finally. in Lion, if you hold Option when pasting a copied Finder item (Command-Option-V), it really does move it. (via

Cmd-X doesn't work on files by default. You can enable it by executing

defaults write AllowCutForItems 1

in a terminal. But all it does it is just moving the file to trash.

As someone said before you can move files with Cmd+dragNDrop (or just drop&drag :)), but you need mouse to do that. Maybe there are some scripts that copies&paste and then deletes the original file? I dunno.

You may want to look for a 3rd party software, something that is equivalent to Total Commander or something like that...

OS X does not allow that. It's an Apple Design question. They don't believe in the metaphor of "cutting" something, no matter how much we (users) believe in it.*1
So we are left with what others can come up with. And a lot of them did.

Do it with a macro in QuickSilver (which, once you know it, you wouldn't want to live without anymore anywayz):

Do it with the Context Menu (QuickAccessCM):

Do it with a droplet (nothing I'd suggest since it uses the mouse as well):

Do it by replacing the finder as a whole: (Pathfinder)

I've gone the QuickSilver way, since I am a keyboard junkie and QuickSilver ... well, everything and the kitchen sink.

*1 Except that since OS 3.0 on iPhone even Apple offers a "Cut" option. I still hope - after decades of waiting - that it will finally be available in a Desktop OS as well...