move file from folder code example

Example 1: move file from one folder to another c#

//take all files of main folder to folder model_RCCMrecTransfered 
            string rootFolderPath = @"F:/model_RCCMREC/";
            string destinationPath = @"F:/model_RCCMrecTransfered/";
            string filesToDelete = @"*_DONE.wav";   // Only delete WAV files ending by "_DONE" in their filenames
            string[] fileList = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootFolderPath, filesToDelete);
            foreach (string file in fileList)
                string fileToMove = rootFolderPath + file;
                string moveTo = destinationPath + file;
                //moving file
                File.Move(fileToMove, moveTo);

Example 2: command line move file

mv file.txt ~/Desktop/Folder


Misc Example