MouseOver event to change TD background and text

Have a look at this:

function highlightNext(element, color) {
    var next = element;
    do { // find next td node
        next = next.nextSibling;
    while (next && !('nodeName' in next && next.nodeName === 'TD'));
    if (next) { = color;

function highlightBG(element, color) { = color;


<td onMouseOver="highlightBG(this, 'red');highlightNext(this, 'red')" 
    onMouseOut="highlightBG(this, 'white');highlightNext(this, 'black')" >


Note that adding the event handler in the HTML is not considered to be good practice.

Depending on which browser you want to support (it definitely won't work in IE6), you really should consider the CSS approach which will work even if JS is turned off. Is much less code and it will be easier to add this behaviour to multiple elements:

td:hover {
    background-color: red;          

td:hover + td {
    color: red;   