Apple - Mount .NRG image file on OSX 10.6

Had the same experience as the OP. Tried using nrg2iso, tried renaming the file to .iso and also tried the dd command from that MacRumors thread. Nothing worked.

However, I then found nrg4iso which worked perfectly! The project has been abandoned since 2007 but it still works.

dd variant not work for me. So, i find another one with poweriso:

Use: ./poweriso convert ~/Desktop/image.nrg -o ~/Desktop/image.iso -ot iso

A little googling led me to this thread on

It appears that if the ISO is a single session CD image you can just knock the first 600 bytes off with a terminal command and it'll be readable as an ISO (change file type to .iso after performing the command).

I'd recommend making a backup of the .nrg file before trying this though!

$ dd if=image.nrg of=cdrom.iso bs=512 skip=600

(↑ credit to balamw on macrumors forums)

Also, If you're just looking to extract pictures from the disk, File Juicer may also be worth a look!