Most useful additions in KOMA-Script?

Unlike memoir, the KOMA-Script-classes do not add the functionality of dozens of packages to the LaTeX core - but the KOMA-additions are useful and extremely easy to handle. Roughly in order of the documentation:

  • Customizable type area with default values that also (contrary to the standard classes) work well for letter- and A4-paper,
  • Support for arbitrarily chosen font sizes (e.g. 10.5pt),
  • Ability to change font size mid-document,
  • Customization of the font attributes of many document elements,
  • Enhanced \maketitle features (e.g. \subtitle),
  • \addpart, \addchap, and \addsec commands producing unnumbered parts, chapters, and sections that are nevertheless included in the table of contents,
  • Options to include the bibliography, the index etc. in the table of contents,
  • parskip option that is more powerful than the package of the same name,
  • Configurable footnotes (including some features of the footmisc package),
  • Option open=left to always start chapters on left pages,
  • Consistent formatting of every "listofsomething" (e.g. "chapter gaps" in the "List of Listings"),
  • Lots of little things.

KOMA-Script brings even more than extended classes: it offers packages to allow other classes to benefit from its features.

Here are some of them:

  • typearea provides automatic calculation of layout dimensions according to classical typography,

  • scrlayer-scrpage (scrpage2 is superseded) is a feature-rich replacement for fancyhdr,

  • scrextend brings various KOMA-features together with non-KOMA classes,

  • scrlfile helps managing package dependencies,

  • tocbasic manages table of contents and lists of tables and figures and so on,

  • tocstyle helps with formatting table of contents and lists of floats.

In addition to what has already been mentioned the KOMA bundle provides the letter class scrlttr2 which is a huge improvement over the standard letter class. scrlttr2 is both easy to configure and has a lot of features including the option of generating letters from address lists.