Monkey patch XMLHTTPRequest.onreadystatechange

To monkey-patch XMLHttpRequests, you need to know how an AJAX request is generally constructed:

  1. Constructor invocation
  2. Preparation the request (setRequestHeader(), open())
  3. Sending the request (.send).

General-purpose patch

(function(xhr) {
    function banana(xhrInstance) { // Example
        console.log('Monkey RS: ' + xhrInstance.readyState);
    // Capture request before any network activity occurs:
    var send = xhr.send;
    xhr.send = function(data) {
        var rsc = this.onreadystatechange;
        if (rsc) {
            // "onreadystatechange" exists. Monkey-patch it
            this.onreadystatechange = function() {
                return rsc.apply(this, arguments);
        return send.apply(this, arguments);

The previous assumed that onreadystatechange was assigned to the onreadystatechange handler. For simplicity, I didn't include the code for other events, such as onload. Also, I did not account for events added using addEventListener.

The previous patch runs for all requests. But what if you want to limit the patch to a specific request only? A request with a certain URL or async flag and a specific request body?

Conditional monkey-patch

Example: Intercepting all POST requests whose request body contains "TEST"

(function(xhr) {
    function banana(xhrInstance) { // Example
        console.log('Monkey RS: ' + xhrInstance.readyState);
    var open =; = function(method, url, async) {
        // Test if method is POST
        if (/^POST$/i.test(method)) {
            var send = this.send;
            this.send = function(data) {
                // Test if request body contains "TEST"
                if (typeof data === 'string' && data.indexOf('TEST') >= 0) {
                    var rsc = this.onreadystatechange;
                    if (rsc) {
                        // Apply monkey-patch
                        this.onreadystatechange = function() {
                            return rsc.apply(this, arguments);
                return send.apply(this, arguments);
        return open.apply(this, arguments);

The main techniques used is the transparent rewrite using...

var original = xhr.method; 
xhr.method = function(){
    return original.apply(this, arguments);

My examples are very basic, and can be extended to meet your exact wishes. That's up to you, however.