Mongoose: extending schemas

The simplest way for extending mongoose schema

import { model, Schema } from 'mongoose';

const ParentSchema = new Schema({
  fromParent: Boolean

const ChildSchema = new Schema({
  fromChild: Boolean // new properties come up here

export const Child = model('Child', ChildSchema);

Mongoose 3.8.1 now has support for Discriminators. A sample, from here:

function BaseSchema() {
  Schema.apply(this, arguments);

    name: String,
    createdAt: Date
util.inherits(BaseSchema, Schema);

var PersonSchema = new BaseSchema();
var BossSchema = new BaseSchema({ department: String });

var Person = mongoose.model('Person', PersonSchema);
var Boss = Person.discriminator('Boss', BossSchema);

Some people have in other places suggested using utils.inherits to extend schemas. Another simple way would be to simply set up an object with settings and create Schemas from it, like so:

var settings = {
  one: Number

new Schema(settings);

settings.two = Number;
new Schema(settings);

It's a bit ugly though, since you're modifying the same object. Also I'd like to be able to extend plugins and methods etc. Thus my preferred method is the following:

function UserSchema (add) {
  var schema = new Schema({
    someField: String

  if(add) {

  return schema;

var userSchema = UserSchema();
var adminSchema = UserSchema({
  anotherField: String

Which happens to answer your second question that yes, you can add() fields. So to modify some properties of the Schema, a modified version of the above function would solve your problem:

function UserSchema (add, nameAndPhoneIsRequired) {
  var schema = new Schema({
    firstname: {type: String, validate: firstnameValidator, required: nameAndPhoneIsRequired},
    lastname: {type: String, validate: lastnameValidator, required: nameAndPhoneIsRequired},
    phone: {type: String, validate: phoneValidator, required: nameAndPhoneIsRequired},

  if(add) {

  return schema;