MongoDB Node check if objectid is valid

This is a simple check - is not 100% foolproof

You can use this Regular Expression if you want to check for a string of 24 hex characters.

var checkForHexRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$")

checkForHexRegExp.test("i am a bad boy")
// false
// true

Regex taken from

For a better check use:

var ObjectID = require("mongodb").ObjectID

ObjectID.isValid("i am a bad boy")
// false
// true

isValid code

isValid() is in the js-bson (objectid.ts) library, which is a dependency of node-mongodb-native.

For whoever finds this question, I don't recommend recreating this method as recommend in other answers. Instead, continue using node-mongodb-native like the original poster was using, the following example will access the isValid() method in js-bson.

var mongodb = require("mongodb");
var objectid = mongodb.BSONPure.ObjectID;


July 2018 update: The current way to do this is:

var mongodb = require("mongodb")