MongoDB: ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number 14

You started and probably shutdown mongo in the wrong way.


To start mongo in the background type: mongod --dbpath /data/db --fork --logpath /dev/null.

  • /data/db is the location of the db. If you haven't created one yet => type: mkdir /data/db
  • --fork means you want to start mongo in the background - deamon.
  • --logpath /dev/null means you don't want to log - you can change that by replacing /dev/null to a path like /var/log/mongo.log


Connect to your mongo by typing: mongo and then use admin and db.shutdownServer(). Like explain in mongoDB

If this technique doesn't work for some reason you can always kill the process.

  1. Find the mongodb process PID by typing: lsof -i:27017 assuming your mongodb is running on port 27017
  2. Type kill <PID>, replace <PID> by the value you found the previous command.

For me it was ulimit issue, mongo could not open too many files.

Used ulimit -n 10000.

However as a generic pointer look into mongo logs file, they will tell where to look further. Generally the logs file are in /var/log/mongo.log but look into your mongo config file.

It's because you haven't configured your mongod instance correctly in the config file that you passed to the -f option. Revisit your config file and make sure eveything is configured correctly.

Check the ownership of the file /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock

It should be mongod. I got same error since it was root:root

