MongoDB Compass loading forever

Same here. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling. No joy.

I reinstalled an older version 1.8.2 which worked fine. Must be an issue with the latest release.

Edit: I upgraded to 1.10.9 this morning and reverted to 1.8.2 after coming across this issue.

After having the same issue today (november 24:th) i used the latest stable version (1.10.10) and it solved the problem. I´m on Mac OS Sierra (10.12.6).

On window 7, i found the issue was because of two reason and both were related to power shell.

  1. First problem was because of execution policy related to power shell script, which can be solved by running the following with administrator privilege. Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  2. After this, please check the power shell version, in case you are trying to install latest version of mongodb on window 7, power cell version needs to me minimum of 3.0, in my case it was 2.0 and because of that installation was getting stuck. After upgrading power shell to latest, installation went through quickly.

Had the same issue today, with the Version 1.10.9 on Mac OSX. I then reinstalled MongoDB Compass Community Edition to the latest Beta version (Version 1.11.0-beta.1), the loading proceeded and everything went fine.

