Mockito when().thenReturn calls the method unnecessarily

You can use PowerMock. First create mock of the class on which you are calling static methods -


Then define your stubs -

when(BasketHelper.getActionProduct(site, request)).thenReturn(product);

Mockito cannot mock static method. Your when check is not valid:

  when(BasketHelper.getActionProduct(site, request)).thenReturn(product);

That is another reason why we want to reduce the use of static method as it is hard to mock.

There is no easier way to mock the behavior if your class stays like this. However if you want to change your design and make both methods non-static. The correct way of using "when" is to apply the check on mocked object. For example:

  BasketHelper basketHelper = mock(BasketHelper.class);
  when(basketHelper.getActionProduct(site, request)).thenReturn(product);

But once again, this only work if you re-designed your class's getAction and getProduct method to be NON-STATIC.

I remember there are some other testing framework that does support mocking static method.