Mocking the super class calls on python

Using unittest.mock from the standard library I would do something like this.

In your class definition:

from somelib import ASuperClass

class MyClass(ASuperClass):
    def my_cool_method(self):
        return super().my_cool_method()

In the module where you are calling MyClass:

from unittest.mock import patch
from mymodule import MyClass

def call_with_mock(mocked_super):
    myinstance = MyClass()
    # do stuff with `mocked_super`


In case anyone needs another way to solve this mock:

# some_package/

class MyClass(SuperClass):

    def some_function(self):
        result_super_call = super().function()


def test_something(self, mock_super):
    obj = MyClass()
    mock_super().some_function.return_value = None

Using Python 3.6

I found a way, sort of hacky but it works, I'll explain with my example, this is based on this response so thanks @kindall:

def my_test(self):
    import __builtin__
    from mocker import Mocker, KWARGS, ARGS

    mymocker = mocker.mock()
    mymocker.my_function(ARGS, KWARGS)

    def mysuper(*args, **kwargs):
        if args and issubclass(MyClass, args[0]):
            return mymocker
        return original_super(*args, **kwargs)

    __builtin__.original_super = super
    __builtin__.super = mysuper

    with mocker:

so essentially what I do is check if the super call is from the class I want to mock, else just do a normal super.

Hope this helps someone :)