Mocking a Django Queryset in order to test a function that takes a queryset

For an empty Queryset, I'd go simply for using none as keithhackbarth has already stated.

However, to mock a Queryset that will return a list of values, I prefer to use a Mock with a spec of the Model's manager. As an example (Python 2.7 style - I've used the external Mock library), here's a simple test where the Queryset is filtered and then counted:

from django.test import TestCase
from mock import Mock

from .models import Example

def queryset_func(queryset, filter_value):
    An example function to be tested
    return queryset.filter(stuff=filter_value).count()

class TestQuerysetFunc(TestCase):

    def test_happy(self):
        `queryset_func` filters provided queryset and counts result
        m_queryset = Mock(spec=Example.objects)
        m_queryset.filter.return_value = m_queryset
        m_queryset.count.return_value = 97

        result = func_to_test(m_queryset, '__TEST_VALUE__')

        self.assertEqual(result, 97)

However, to fulfil the question, instead of setting a return_value for count, this could easily be adjusted to be a list of model instances returned from all.

Note that chaining is handled by setting the filter to return the mocked queryset:

m_queryset.filter.return_value = m_queryset

This would need to be applied for any queryset methods used in the function under test, e.g. exclude, etc.

Of course you can mock a QuerySet, you can mock anything.

You can create an object yourself, and give it the interface you need, and have it return any data you like. At heart, mocking is nothing more than providing a "test double" that acts enough like the real thing for your tests' purposes.

The low-tech way to get started is to define an object:

class MockQuerySet(object):

then create one of these, and hand it to your test. The test will fail, likely on an AttributeError. That will tell you what you need to implement on your MockQuerySet. Repeat until your object is rich enough for your tests.

For this I use Django's .none() function.

For example:

class Location(models.Model):
  name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
mock_locations = Location.objects.none()

This is the method used frequently in Django's own internal test cases. Based on comments in the code

Calling none() will create a queryset that never returns any objects and no
+query will be executed when accessing the results. A qs.none() queryset
+is an instance of ``EmptyQuerySet``.

I am having the same issue, and it looks like some nice person has written a library for mocking QuerySets, it is called mock-django and the specific code you will need is here I think you can then just patch you models objects function to return one of these QuerySetMock objects that you have set up to return something expected!