Mixins in TypeScript

Here's one way to approach mixins using interfaces and a static create() method. Interfaces support multiple inheritance so that prevents you from having to redefine the interfaces for your mixins and the static create() method takes care of giving you back an instance of Model() as an IModel (the <any> cast is needed to supress a compiler warning.) You'll need to duplicate all of your member definitions for Model on IModel which sucks but it seems like the cleanest way to achieve what you want in the current version of TypeScript.

edit: I've identified a slightly simpler approach to supporting mixins and have even created a helper class for defining them. Details can be found over here.

function asSettable() {
  this.get = function(key: string) {
    return this[key];
  this.set = function(key: string, value) {
    this[key] = value;
    return this;

function asEventable() {
  this.on = function(name: string, callback) {
    this._events = this._events || {};
    this._events[name] = callback;
  this.trigger = function(name: string) {

class Model {
  constructor (properties = {}) {

  static create(): IModel {
      return <any>new Model();


interface ISettable {
    get(key: string);
    set(key: string, value);

interface IEvents {
    on(name: string, callback);
    trigger(name: string);

interface IModel extends ISettable, IEvents {

var x = Model.create();
x.set('foo', 'bar');

The cleanest way to do it, althought it still requires double type declarations, is to define the mixin as a module:

module Mixin {
    export function on(test) {

class TestMixin implements Mixin {
    on: (test) => void;

var mixed = _.extend(new TestMixin(), Mixin); // Or manually copy properties

An alternative to using interfaces is to hack it with classes (Although because of multiple-inheritance, you'll need to create a common-interface for the mixins):

var _:any;
var __mixes_in = _.extend; // Lookup underscore.js' extend-metod. Simply copies properties from a to b

class asSettable {
    getx(key:string) { // renamed because of token-clash in asEventAndSettable
        return this[key];
    setx(key:string, value) {
        this[key] = value;
        return this;

class asEventable {
    _events: any;
    on(name:string, callback) {
        this._events = this._events || {};
        this._events[name] = callback;
    trigger(name:string) {

class asEventAndSettable {
   // Substitute these for real type definitions
   getx: any;
   setx: any;

class Model extends asEventAndSettable {
    /// ...

var m = __mixes_in(new Model(), asEventable, asSettable);

// m now has all methods mixed in.

As I commented on Steven's answer, mixins really should be a TypeScript feature.