Misunderstanding from l3keys documentation

#1 is the optional argument in your definition, #2 would be the mandatory one: \DeclareDocumentCommand \MyModuleSetup { o m }. So when you use


#1 is key-start-date={Date} and #2 is Goodbye~World. This is exactly what you're seeing.

Also you are defining the key with \keys_define:nn but aren't setting it it \keys_set:nn. A working suggestion:




% define the variable before using it:
\tl_new:N \l_mymodule_start_date_tl

% define key:    
\keys_define:nn { mymodule }
    key-start-date .tl_set:N = \l_mymodule_start_date_tl

% #1: set keys (optional)
% #2: do something (mandatory)
\DeclareDocumentCommand \MyModuleSetup { o m }
    % start a group to keep key setting local:
      % set keys if optional argument #1 is given:
      \IfNoValueF {#1} { \keys_set:nn {mymodule} {#1} }
      % do something with variable and mandatory argument #2:



\MyModuleSetup[key-start-date={Date}]{Goodbye World}


keys_set:nn is missing in the usage of \DeclareDocumentCommand, so \l_mymodule_tl is effectively empty.



   \tl_new:N \l_mymodule_tl
   \keys_define:nn { mymodule }
     key-start-date .tl_set:N= \l_mymodule_tl

    \DeclareDocumentCommand \MyModuleSetup {O{}m }
        Hello~World~The~date~today~is~{\tl_use:N \l_mymodule_tl}~and~I~say~#1



