Missing space after "guillemets"

If you want to get the correct spacing between \fg and a word following it, you have to add an empty statement {} after it.

This because the definition of \fg in frenchb.ldf resorts to the definition of \FB@fg which is


As you can see, this command takes no arguments, so it inserts no space after it, if you don't break the command explicitly with {} (or \ which is not advisable).

The behavior is the same as if you define a new command with no arguments


and use it as

\qqq word


Lalala \og blabla \fg{} lalala.

enter image description here

You can also notice that the definition of \FB@fg contains an \xspace at its end. This means that, if you don't want to insert {} each time you use \fg, you can simply load the package xspace.

The following MWE gives the same result as in the above picture:

Lalala \og blabla \fg lalala.

For some reason beyond my understanding, using the keyboard guillemets « and » together with the following option in the babel package


solves the problem (and elegantly too). Of course, one needs access to utf8 characters. Here is a full example.



Ceci est du «texte» entre guillemets.


typeset text with guillemets
(source: univ-mlv.fr)